★ Donat, Nad
★ was @erisawr / Ri
★ fe / she-her / ISTP (ambivert)


★ beware of RT spams! I tweet too, though, but not often
★ sometimes I tweet rl stuffs
★ I insult to lovemail my oshi
★ I don't tag spoiler and gacha result
★ I'm an ambivert who's mostly an introvert so I have low social energy:/ will do my best for interacting :D
★ Selective
★ I’m not into bxb, gxg, and nsfw so please do tag them and i'm good


- Islamophobic
- Zionist,
or being ignorant about what happened in Palestine (also other occupied country
such like Congo, Sudan, etc)
- You engage in unnecessary discourse / drama
- You do yume with my no-sharing oshi (sorry) look at the intro in "my yume" section for details

find me on: